Holy Spirit woke me up with the word “Supernatural”. I felt Him saying, “In this new era you are going to learn how to live in the supernatural realm.” Not knowing exactly what He meant I continued to ask and wait until there was further revelation. I thought, “SUPERNATURAL, of course this is the way we are to live! BUT what is specifically important to know NOW?”
In this new era we cannot rely on someone else to work in healing, signs, wonders and miracles. In the past we have deferred that responsibility to the “prophet”, the “pastor” or the “one who has faith”, but the supernatural is for each one of us. We are to live supernaturally on a daily basis! We have been given the power and authority to make Jesus real here and now, for the sake of the harvest.
I was asking Holy Spirit for a word for Come To The Table FB live I have every Tuesday and Thursday morning. I had written several thoughts down, when the word “supernatural” was highlighted once again. That morning, just before I was to go on FB live someone sent me a video on Messenger. I honestly don’t listen to all videos forwarded to me because I get far too many, but sometimes there is one that stands out, and this was one of those. It was Bobby Connor, talking about…guess what? The Supernatural! What a confirmation!!
I’m thinking…”Wow God – you are amazing.” I was so encouraged because I knew He was not only confirming His word, but was downloading the same message all over the world!
In the video Bobby Connor was sharing about an elderly lady who was raised from the dead. He said he wasn’t even praying for her resurrection as she had already been pronounced dead, but said, “Thank you for the Life of Ada”. In that very moment she woke up, pinched his cheeks and started prophesying, and lived for several more months after that!
Jesus walked in miracles, signs and wonders, all the time. The New testament is filled with stories of his resurrection power. Then, after He ascended, the disciples began to walk in the same supernatural power as Jesus, when they were filled with the power of Holy Spirit.
In the New Testament we read about so many supernatural events; healing from Peter’s shadow (Acts 5:15), Healing of the lame (Acts 3:1-10), provision through fish (Matthew 17:24-27), transportation in the spirit (Acts 8:24-40), opening of the prison gate (Acts 12:10), and so much more. These supernatural events were not just events to read about, but are a testimonies of what is available to us. We have the same Holy Spirit.
Patricia King shares a story about the time company unexpectedly came over to her home for dinner. She just had a small chicken in the oven, certainly not enough for the number of guests. She prayed multiplication over it and the food expanded so that it there was enough for everyone to be satisfied.
We personally have seen people get up out of wheelchairs, their hearing restored, youthfulness return, new blood vessels to the heart (documented), and even resurrection from the dead! This is the kind of supernatural anointing we can ALL walk in.
Mairi, my mother in law tells of a story of ministry in the Philippines. She was praying over someone who had a foot that was stunted in growth. The foot was not just a little out of alignment, but significantly smaller than the opposite one. Mairi believed in faith that the foot would grow, so she commanded the foot to move. It started growing! During her prayer she would stop and compare the two, commanding again until the feet were the same size. Mairi She started to get nervous thinking “What if it grows too big? I don’t want that!” We always laugh over how she was processing, in her human way, the supernatural miracle occurring right in front of her. But that is God’s grace. He was pleased with her faith and obedience.
I remember when we lived in Mississauga we had a Sears Kenmore washing machine that was a few years old. One night I went downstairs and the basement had been flooded because the machine broke. We didn’t know the reason it had overflowed and didn’t have money for a new one. So, Mark laid his hands on the washing machine. He prayed that God would do a supernatural work, taking it out of the system of man where things fall apart, into the system of heaven, where there is restoration and provision. It was amazing!! Following that prayer the washing machine worked, not just for a few washes, but for about 15 years! We never had to repair the machine at all.
INDEPENDENCE – I can FIX IT culture:
Often, we don’t expect the supernatural to occur in our lives. Inbred in our society is a culture of independence that has infiltrated into the "church" mentality. We do however expect Google or YouTube to have the answer we need. And when we have exhausted all our ideas to fix the problem, we decide that maybe God can help. We even say that prayer with doubt in our hearts. Yet Jesus spoke about greater things!
“I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father! John 14:12 TPT
We have access to a supernatural power within us! Jesus is ALIVE. He was raised from the dead, has given us resurrection life and now has positioned us for the harvest.
1. Faith
The supernatural realm is real. Jesus heals, sets us free, delivers, and turns our lives around. It’s time to believe. Many times we believe in the bad more than the good, because we are looking in the natural. NOW is a time of the shift; To believe in power of our living hope, Jesus.
At the resurrection of Lazarus Jesus was asking Martha, “Didn’t I tell you that if you will believe in me, you will see God unveil his power?”[a]
41 So they rolled away the heavy stone. Jesus gazed into heaven and said, “Father, thank you that you have heard my prayer, 42 for you listen to every word I speak. Now, so that these who stand here with me will believe that you have sent me to the earth as your messenger, I will use the power you have given me.” John 11:40-42 TPT
Faith in action was not just for Lazarus to be resurrected, but for all who were witnesses of the supernatural to see and believe. Our measure of faith may be as small as a mustard seed, but it has the power to move mountains.
2. See in the Spirit
We have been given eyes to see beyond the natural into the spirit realm.
Elisha and Gehazi had an army coming against them in the natural, but Elisha was not afraid because he could see what was happening in the spirit. However, Gehazi was terrified because all he could see was the disaster! Elisha asked God to open Gehazi’s eyes, and when God revealed what was happening in the spirit, fear immediately left. (2 Kings 6)
WOW! The Lord was fighting the battle. We are not fighting against flesh and blood “but against the rulers, against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” Eph 6:12 NIV
What we see in the natural life may look pretty grim BUT when look through eyes of the Spirit our thinking shifts, our situation shifts, we begin to have hope, we see possibilities, and we have the assurance that there is a supernatural power at work on our behalf.
GUESS WHAT? When we know Jesus we have the ability to see, we just need to ask. We are no longer limited to earths realm.
Ask HS to open your eyes to see what you are not seeing; In your family, in your relationships, during covid 19, in the nation, and beyond. He will show you how He is working in the realm of the spirit.
We speak life, not death. When we see what we haven’t seen before, we can now access it. We can speak truth, over the situation and there is an angelic realm that is ready to move at the word of the Lord
“Bless the Lord, you his angels, Mighty in strength, who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word!” Psalm 103:20
The hosts are ready and waiting to do the will of the Father. As we see in the spirit, we then speak with authority over the situation to line it up with the Father’s will.
We are not speaking into existence something we are hopeful about, but we are speaking out with authority what is in the heavens. As we rise up in faith, as we see in the spirit, we can now speak – activating what is in heaven to move on our behalf.
There is so much more available in the supernatural than we have known. Holy Spirit wants to demonstrate His power through you. It’s not just for one, or for the pastor or the evangelist, supernatural power has been given to YOU - to move through you, so the world will know Jesus. There is nothing too difficult for God. He can do anything, exceedingly and abundantly above what we can ask or imagine. (Eph 3:20 paraphrased)
The world needs to see Jesus is alive. They won’t know the power of Jesus if you are not living it out, if you are complaining, trying to fix situations, or living as a victim. They will only know the supernatural power when you begin to walk in it! The harvest, all who are about to be saved, will know Jesus as they see you living His power manifest on earth.
The supernatural is more than a nice prayer or thought, it is the authority you have been given. Holy Spirit comes in you and works through you. In faith you see, you speak and supernaturally God will do what He needs to do to see His glory made known throughout the earth.
“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14