It is a new era! What was in the last era is truly gone, as the new is unfolding before us. Just as Joshua went into the promised land and began to take possession, we too believe that we have crossed into a new land, where we are seeing fulfillment of the promises of God realized in our lives. God has been confirming in our hearts His desire for us to advance the kingdom.
God has given us many scriptures, visions, prophetic words, and even relationships that have been instrumental in helping us get into alignment as we navigate the unknowns. Through the process, the sound of the call of God in our hearts has been refined and defined. We have been so excited to experience the sense of adventure as we are going where God calls!
Setting the foundations to move forward has meant there were practical realities we needed to address. Specifically for us, we were working towards sharing the dream God birthed in our hearts on a global platform. There was a sense of forward momentum and excitement as we worked through the details. Yet, at the same time we started to experience some resistance. Obstacles began arising daily that became time consumers and took extra energy just to keep going.
Crossing over meant rising above each situation, choosing to co labour with Christ and one another, into greater maturity. (1 Cor 3:9) That was not something we could accomplish on our own, we needed HOLY SPIRIT in every way. It was a challenge to stay above, emotionally, spiritually and physically. We had to guard against getting swept into the battle of proving we are right, or fighting the injustices.
Finally, we asked the real question, "What is going on ?"
And Holy Spirit showed us that what we were dealing with was not in the natural but in the spirit. The push back was an attempt to push us out, because the call is for the harvest!
Sometimes when you have a big victory there can be what feels like collateral damage where it seems so many things are going wrong;
You may see in the natural; Arguments , contention, distractions , misunderstandings, health and family issues, chaotic communication, confusion and life in general may seem out of order. It may feel like you are getting resistance as one little thing after another begins to unravel, leaving you with a sense of frustration, and even stalling of forward movement.
YOU may wonder;
"What is happening?"
"Did I really hear God?"
"Maybe I should just turn around, it seemed easier back there!" Or imagine "How do I keep going?"
We lived moment to moment at times, holding fast to the word of God in faith. Yet we kept stepping forward, not engaging in the battle we were seeing in the natural...mostly. Yes, we admit that at times we did give into the feelings of our flesh by reacting to the pressure, instead of leaning into the Presence. Yet, God in His grace, was always there to help us refocus our vision once again, off of the problem and onto the promise.

When you finally move into the new, it may feel like suddenly there is resistance from all sides. You are learning to navigate in the new!
God has a wisdom strategy to help you rise above and keep soaring through!
YOU DON'T LIVE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE PROBLEM WHEN YOU WALK WITH GOD. He has strategy for your success that is far greater than what you have tried to do on your own.
While praying with a friend over the situation she said, "I see you not just jumping over one hurdle at a time, but flying over many hurdles at once." That is a supernatural picture of walking with God.

Be encouraged: The resistance you have been experiencing does not have power over YOU!
The tiredness that has tried to slow you down, is overcome as you wait on the Lord!
Holy Spirit gave us wisdom to 'Navigate the New', to fly over the hurdles. We would like to share them with you so you can fly too !
Always look for the Holy Spirit in each situation because the Holy Spirit IS you guide, your counsel, your access to all the hidden and deep things of God (1 Cor 2:10-16) The Spirit will show you what you must do to keep moving forward, where He is in the conflict, and strategy to activate the spirit realm in that situation.
Wait, don't rush, don't try to fix. Those who wait on the Lord will be renewed, and will begin to rise up, up above the storm clouds. (Isaiah 40:31). Soaring ABOVE is our God given position in the Spirit.
What you are seeing and experiencing is a detractor, a method that would get you feeling discouraged and ultimately stopping to engage, removing you from the promise. Our weapons are not carnal or earthly, and they are not with one another. (2 Corinthians 10:4) You can't you can’t fight in your strength and wisdom. You need the SPIRIT OF WISDOM and MIGHT to come on you, to strengthen you as a warrior. (Isaiah 11:2 )
Clean thoughts, clean mouth, clean ears, cleans hands all equal a clean heart. You are going up, ascending above the impulses and reactions of self
As Psalm 24 NIV says,
Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.
They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Saviour. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob.
You may have spoken words or acted out of your frustration. Therefore, you need to remove the open door to the enemy, and give Holy Spirit permission to take change once again. As you repent of the words and renounce the inner vows God in His grace, forgives and sets you free to be able to soar!
It's easy to blame and fault find in other people, even innocent bystanders. Instead of hardening your heart, we want our hearts to be filled with more love and compassion for one another and a greater grace for people while we are trying to find answers. You may need grace for your spouse, friend, employee, customer service assistant and others who you are connecting with to work through changes and challenges. God has given us much grace! As
2 Corinthians 2:9 says, But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me.
Your place of weakness, when you lean into God becomes a portal for God's power to be shown through you - that despite the situation you are a grace giver.
You are designed to be in relationship, whether you want to or not, you NEED others. Your priority is to be aligned with God, BUT then he will send you people to encourage you and help you navigate through tough places. You do not have every gift and anointing, that's why you need others. The pieces you are missing to can be found in relationship with those God sends your way. He even uses unbelievers, with Cyrus anointings. Learn to trust others through trusting God. He is the greatest strategist for all that is ahead.
1 Peter 4:10, ESV As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
Romans 12:16, NLT Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!
Breathe! God has you in His care. He knows what you are going through and is with you! Stay with the mission, stay true to the call - and resolve in your heart - it’s worth it. Because God has said it - there WILL BE VICTORY. (1 John 5:4)
You rise above the resistance and obstacles when you know how to ENCOUNTER God. Join us as we learn how to Encounter God Together (www.encounterswithgod.ca)
When you are IMMERSED in Holy Spirit you are not going backward - only forward .