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Mother to Daughter by Kiwanda Redner

Paperback and Ebook available

Discover deep insights found in the pages of this collaborative work by women of faith. Drawing from their real and raw experiences, they offer wisdom, encouragement, and hope to guide you through life's challenges.
May the words resonate with you, reminding you that God has not left you alone, but He has empowered you to overcome any challenge. And may the wisdom you receive be the platform you use to create a legacy of strength and love for generations to come, from mother to daughter.

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Kiwanda Redner is a prophetically called leader nationally and internationally. Her passion is to see Canada—and women around the world—fulfill their God-given destinies. She is a passionate pursuer of the presence of God, anointed in worship and gifted in the prophetic, writing and teaching. She loves to mentor and equip with practical tools to live out of the realm of the Spirit. Based out of Ottawa, Kiwanda is a wife and a mom of 4 grown children. Together with her husband Mark, they have led revival in the Ottawa region where thousands have come and experienced the tangible presence of God, resulting in countless miraculous healings and salvations.

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