APRIL 4 & 5, 2025
Territory Taking Time!
Arise & Advance
“Hit the mark, and take the land.”
It’s time for YOU to step into heavenly assignment God has been speaking to you about. NOW is the hour for women to rise, take their place, let go of fear and uncertainty and boldly move into position.
Look! What do you see?
You might think,
"It's too big. Can I really do that? Am I hearing God correctly? There's so much standing in my way!"
YES! It’s for YOU. You are hearing His call.
God is opening doors and making a way where there seems to be none.
You are NEVER too late.
Gear up.
Prepare your heart.
Move forward.
Finish STRONG!
Join us for a powerful, life-transforming weekend. This is your moment to arise, break through limitations, and step in.
God is declaring that NOW is the time to take the territory that has been promised to you. No more delays, no more hesitation—this is the moment to step forward and claim the promise. Forget the things of the past; press toward the goal, the upward calling that God has placed on your life. Every step you take, every place the sole of your foot treads, shall be yours.
You are needed in this hour to pick up your assignment and trust God. The victory has already been given to you through Jesus. Just as David stood boldly before Goliath and declared victory before the battle even began (1 Samuel 17:45-47), you too can stand with boldness and confidence, knowing that everything God has spoken will come to pass.
There is a global call for women ARISE and ADVANCE, to take their rightful place in every sphere of influence. Know this: Yahweh is with you. He will guide your steps, strengthen your resolve, and make a way where there seems to be no way.
The time to act is NOW!
You have been chosen!
You are ready to carry out the assignment God has placed on your life. Whether it's in your family, community, government, education—this is the moment for you to rise go after it.
Come, See, Hear, and Be Empowered
It’s time to take your territory. This assignment was made for you, and you are more than equipped to fulfill it. The victory is yours—step into it!
Kiwanda Redner
Sarah Maracle
For reservations, use this link to book your room:
$179.99 + taxes - 2 Queen beds
FREE Parking
For room reservations call: (613) 828-2741