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Struggling to find where you fit? Seeking purpose in life but coming up empty? Trying to build a solid foundation but don't know where to start? 


Come to the Table seeks to bring women into their position and calling in life. Join us to receive encouragement and begin to discover your purpose through the presence of the Holy Spirit. 

Come to the table

Live With Kiwanda redner

Wednesdays at 8pm EST

Fridays at 10am EST

Join Kiwanda for a time of imparting identity and destiny to women for growth and success. 


Come experience a time of encouragement and prayer as you discover the Holy Spirit's presence in your life.

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Kiwanda Redner is a prophetically called leader, mentor, and author. Her passion is to see women in Canada and around the world fulfill their God-given destinies. She is a passionate pursuer of the presence of God, anointed in worship, and gifted in the prophetic, writing, and teaching. She loves to mentor by equipping others with practical tools to live out of the realm of the Spirit.
Based in Ottawa, Kiwanda and her husband Mark have led the ongoing Kinburn Revival in Canada's capital where thousands have experienced the tangible presence of God, resulting in countless miraculous healings and salvations.

Imagine experiencing your life in the abundance of all you have dreamed.  You are not overcome by your emotions, your pain from the past, or your striving for future success, but are living daily   out of the passion inside your heart, alive in the promises of God.  


Immersed was written out of authentic life encounters of revelation and transformation.  It is  an invitation to intimacy with Holy Spirit and a discovery of practical tools for remaining connected everyday. You will be empowered to live the  life you have only imagined as you experience Him. 


Let Holy Spirit be the compass to your success as you journey into daily encounters with Him.

Come to the Table Welcome and Mandate

Struggling to find where you fit? Seeking purpose in life but coming up empty? Trying to build a solid foundation but don't know where to start? 


Come to the Table seeks to bring women into their position and calling in life. Join us to receive encouragement and begin to discover your purpose through the presence of the Holy Spirit. 



Ready to dig even deeper? Our Mentoring Rooms offer opportunities for greater growth during weekly sessions in one-on-one or group settings. Grow in your faith and spiritual maturity by building connections, discovering your identity in Christ, and an awareness of God's call. 



Break limits with us today

Mentoring Rooms — Sign up for mentoring through social media, group sessions and personal connections.


Ready Reset Go — Encounter the Holy Spirit today.


Mark Redner Ministries — Join the tribe and engage with Mark Redner Ministries today.

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